Can someone help this baby go to sleep???? Last night Owen was up till 9:40!!! All I could think was..."you have got to be kidding me!" He took mini naps all day but nothing out of the norm. For some reason he wanted to be up with us.
The doctor said last week that he has two teeth sitting right on the top and yesterday all Owen was doing was rubbing his gums, fussing, and wanting to chew on my fingers. Not to mention that morning he woke up a lot to nurse.
All is well here and we are doing great. It will not be long till I have to go back to work and he is in daycare. I really don't want to think about it but it's something that's got to happen.
Well, I am off to get ready and enjoy the day. It's raining and I love it...I would like it better if I could be in the bed all day. ;) However, I have a little bird that needs all of my attention.
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