Saturday, December 26, 2009

Cookies for Santa...

As I think back to my childhood, I remember certain traditions we did while I was growing up. One of my fondest memories of Christmas was making cookies for Santa. Now that I have a child of my owe, we are starting our own traditions here. Since I have a wonderful job that allows me to be off work the week before Christmas and the week after, we made sugar cookies.

Like always I decided to look on the FoodNetwork for a recipe and found one that wasn't that hard. I made it and put it in the fridge for 2 hours, got it out, and started rolling.

Owen really loved cutting out the cookies and so did I. I think it's even cute that you can see he is in his "bog boy under ware".

I baked the cookies for the amount it called for, but let me tell ya. They were as hard as bricks! I literally thought I was going to chip a tooth on one of those darn cookies. :O) Poor Santa!

After they cooled and I made royal icing, we decided it was time to ice the cookies. We had a great time with icing and sprinkles. He picked out three cookies for Santa and we got it all ready for Christmas Eve.

Finished product for Santa.

This is the plate we made for Santa @ Brushfire Pottery.

Over all, this was the best week! I am so thankful I am able to make memories with the most important gift God has given me...OWEN!

Here is the plate of cookies and the apple juice Owen left out for Santa.

I will post Christmas morning pictures tomorrow.



Courtney said...

What a wonderful tradition, I am sure this is one he will always remember!