Why does life have to be come complicated? It always seems like there are a million things that need to be done, issues at home, clothes to be washed, dished to be cleaned/put away, bottle to wash, diapers to change, a baby to take care of, and not a lot of hands to help.
Being a married woman I like to think things within our house are 50/50. However, I feel that some days it's more like 80/20. I was raised that the house is cleaned every-other week, sheets are changed weekly, your spouse is always there to help with whatever it might be, and I am really needing this person right now. I feel like am sinking & sinking FAST. My house is filthy, stuff everywhere (a lot of it is mine, some Owen's), clothes needing to be put away.
Here is how my day goes:
- wake up between 5-6, whenever Owen wakes up
- nurse Owen
- change Owen's diaper
- eat breakfast
- get all of Owen's things together for daycare
- shower
- do hair, make-up, get clothes on
- nurse Owen again
- drop Owen off at daycare
- go to work till 4
- pick Owen up & go home
- nurse Owen
- cook dinner
- nurse Owen
- clean up kitchen, sometimes Tony cleans up
- possibly nurse Owen AGAIN
- put Owen down for the night
- make bottles
- wash bottle/pump parts
- watch some TV or go to bed
- nurse Owen 2-3 times throughout the night
- Start it all over again
See, I have SO much to do & I am so freakin' tired. I don't know how much longer I can do this. I am physically worn out. This is the first semester I haven't been in college, but that is going to change come January when I plan on starting to work on my Ed.D.
I just want some help! So, if you are willing to come over to my house & help me, please call. :)
Well, I am off to lay on the couch, go make some bottles, & get ready for bed.
Maybe next time I will be in a better mood...
Here is a pic to brighten your/my day.